Welcome Teens!

The Schultz-Holmes Memorial Library is the perfect place to hang out!  We are a great go-to resource for reading and education needs for teens.  We have a great collection of books, movies, and audiobooks for you to check out: PLUS we have a wonderful atmosphere for you to study and work with classmates on homework and projects.  There are many things to do at your library . . . just check out our ‘Things To Do At The Library’ tab to see what’s available.  You can also keep up with our teen events on Facebook! 

We Make Reading Fun 4 U!

We encourage teens to keep on reading on with a place that invites teen creativity, imagination, and exploration.  We engage teens with reading challenges and celebrate their goals and success.  We encourage them to take advantage of what their hometown library has to offer as lifelong readers and library users.

Education & Career Goals

You can tap into some amazing MeL Teen Resources.

Use your library card to get free access to this amazing resource. 
Tutor.com gives you access to:
-Professional Tutors
-Practice Tests (SAT/ACT, GRE, etc.)
-AP Tests & Class Help
-Practice Homework Sheets
-Resume and Cover Page Help
-and so much more. . .

Contact Us!

We want to develop quality, relevant programs and services that don't waste your valuable and limited time.  Have an idea for a program or service?  Reach out and tell us!  Send us an email, post it on our Facebook Page or Tweet Us!  We want to hear from you!