Upcoming Programs and Events at SHML:

Tuesday, February 11th:

  • 6:30pm: Friends of the Library Meeting

Wednesday, February 12th:

  • 10am: Storytime
    • theme: Valentine's Day

Thursday, February 13th:

  • 6pm: Bingo Night
    • registration required

Tuesday, February 18th:

  • 1pm: Homeschool Hangout
    • theme: Free Choice Art Time

Wednesday, February 18th:

  • 10am: Storytime
    • theme: Outer Space

Thursday, February 19th:

  • 6pm: The Page Turners book club
    • February's book: The House of Tongues by James Dashner

View more details, and more upcoming events here...

Registration is now open for the following events. Please come in or call (517) 486-2858 to register.

  • Bingo Night on Thursday, February 13th @ 6pm.
  • Bookmaking with Karen Waggoner on Tuesday, March 4th @ 6pm. (ages 16+)
  • Introduction to Hand-Pieced Quilting with Erik Hansen on Saturday, March 29th @ 1pm. (ages 16+)

Blind Date With A Book!

Go on a "date" all February Long!

Come in to the library any open hours during the month of February to pick out a book covered in paper with a small blurb explaining what the book is about and have a blind date! Fill out a review for a chance to win a prize - including a $25 Lena's gift card!

a button that links to a seperate window that allows you to donate to the library via PayPal


Perfect for your Bicentennial celebration and containing many of the original photographs used in the Bicentennial mural, Images of America: Blissfield, by Library Director Bob Barringer, has a current cover price of $24.99, but is available at the library front desk for $20 each, two for $35, or 3 for $50.  They make great gifts for out-of-town Blissfielders!  


 Link to MeL - Michigan's eLibrary

MeL Catalog
Inter-Library Loan

Stream Music 24/7/365
Download up to 3 tracks a week to keep forever

Link to Libby - the library reader app

E-Books and E-Audiobooks

Daily Telegram (Adrian)

Toledo Blade

 Link to MeL - Michigan's eLibrary

MeL Databases
Online Publications


Link to Libby - the library reader app


Detroit News

Access World News


Craft & Hobby Website Logo includes link to website

          {Barcode = Library Card Number)

Consumer Reports Website logo includes link to website

Tutor.com Website logo with link to website



Map Your Adventure

Michigan Activity Pass link

MAP provides Michigan library cardholders the opportunity to discover and explore participating cultural destinations, parks, campgrounds and recreation areas in the state at a discounted rate.

BHS Yearbooks

Link to Hoopla - movies, music and audiobooks

Link to Kanopy - thoughtful entertainment


Link to IndieFlix - Bring the Festival home



Auditorium Rental

Did you know that the library makes its auditorium available for rentals?  Seating for 80, dining and buffet tables, a kitchen, and more.  You can even rent the room when the library isn't open.  Call the library at 517-486-2858 to reserve the space or with any questions.   More details here...